fbpx The needle and the damage done: Injecting risk behaviours of people who inject drugs | NDARC - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

The needle and the damage done: Injecting risk behaviours of people who inject drugs

image - DTC NSW IDRS 2013
Author: David McKell, Lucy Burns

Resource Type: Posters

The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) is a national monitoring system which aims to identify emerging trends among ‘people who inject drugs’ (PWID) by monitoring the price, purity and availability of illicit substances, and the associated social and health related consequences.
Of ongoing concern (particularly among those in the health sectors) is the use and reuse of needles and injecting equipment, and the resulting damage to veins, chest infection and transmission of blood borne viral infection (BBVI) – all of which pose a particular health risk to PWID’s.
This poster aims to highlight the incidence of injecting risk amongst this user group.