fbpx Bureaucrats, beagles and backlash: What can we learn about a regulated “legal high” market 3 months into New Zealand’s novel approach? | NDARC - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

Bureaucrats, beagles and backlash: What can we learn about a regulated “legal high” market 3 months into New Zealand’s novel approach?

image - NZ Drug Foundation Logo
Date Published:
15 Nov 2013
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Event date: 
Friday, 15 November 2013 - 11:00am

Ross Bell, Executive Director of the New Zealand Drug Foundation, will provide an update about New Zealand’s world-first attempt to regulate New Psychoactive Substances. Ross will highlight some of the devils that have been found in the details of implementing a new regulatory regime, including public backlash during the transition phase, delays in promulgating regulations and the matter of determining risk using animal testing.

Open to: 
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre 22-32 King Street Randwick NSW 2031
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No need to RSVP - just attend on the day.
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