fbpx EDRS Bulletin April 2012: Recruiting a sample of regular ecstasy users in Australia’s remote Top End: price, population and seasonal variability | NDARC - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

EDRS Bulletin April 2012: Recruiting a sample of regular ecstasy users in Australia’s remote Top End: price, population and seasonal variability

image - EDRS Bulletin April 2012
Author: Joe Van Buskirk, Benjamin Phillips, Lucy Burns

Resource Type: Drug Trends Bulletins

Key findings

Eligibility for EDRS participation is based on regular ecstasy use, that is, use on at least 6 occasions in the 6 months prior to interview. While the use of ecstasy is occurring in the Northern Terrritory it appears that the frequency of use is likely too low to recruit a sample of meaningful size based on this criteria.
This may be in part due to:

  • Darwin being the smallest capital city in Australia and its population being nearly half the size of the country’s 2nd smallest capital city, Hobart.
  • The Northern Territory (NT) having the most expensive ecstasy prices in the country.
  • Seasonal differences between monsoonal Darwin and other, more temperate capital cities at the time of recruitment (April).
  • Large number of transient young people, ‘backpackers’ and other young tourists, miltary personnel and seasonal workers.
  • Levels of alcohol consumption much higher than the national average.
  • The remote geographical location away from the major drug markets of Sydney and Melbourne.