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The nature and treatment of adolescent substance abuse

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Author: Catherine Spooner, Richard Mattick, John Howard

Resource Type: Monographs

NDARC Monograph No. 26 (1996)

The Ted Noffs Foundation (TNF) previously ran a drug-treatment program for adolescents, based upon the 12-step model. This program was seen to need to change to keep up with current knowledge of best practice. Funding was obtained from the New South Wales Drug and Alcohol Directorate for a review of best practice in treatment for adolescent substance abusers, the design of a new drug-treatment program based upon that review, and the design of an evaluation plan for the new program. Information sources used for the review included the research literature, clinical opinion and youth consultations. The target group for this project was youths aged 11 to 18, with a maladaptive pattern of substance use that meets the criterion of dependence or abuse as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The project report documents the review of best practice and outlines the program plan and evaluation plan designed on the basis of that review.