fbpx NSW Trends in Ecstasy-and- Related-Drug Markets 2017: Findings from the Ecstasy-and-Related-Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) | NDARC - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

NSW Trends in Ecstasy-and- Related-Drug Markets 2017: Findings from the Ecstasy-and-Related-Drugs Reporting System (EDRS)

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Author: Courtney O'Donnell, Julia Uporova

Resource Type: Drug Trends Jurisdictional Reports

The Ecstasy and related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS; formerly the ‘Party Drugs Initiative’) is a study that monitors trends and issues emerging from illicit drug markets in Australia. The data collected examines the price, purity and availability of four primary illicit drug classes – ecstasy, methamphetamine, cocaine and cannabis as well as niche market drugs such as GHB and LSD. People who regularly use stimulants have been identified as a sentinel group and provide information on patterns of use, market characteristics, related harms and other issues associated with ERD use.