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Unlocking opportunities to integrate smoking cessation in lung cancer screening: Insights from expert stakeholders

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Author: Nathan Harrison

Resource Type: NDARC Seminars

Nathan Harrison presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday 19 October.

About the webinar

Lung cancer screening presents a unique ‘teachable moment’ for smoking cessation. Australia’s targeted National Lung Cancer Screening Program will commence by mid-2025, with the invitation of high-risk participants who have a history of smoking. In this webinar, Nathan Harrison reported qualitative findings from studies of Australian expert stakeholders in lung cancer screening, tobacco control, and smoking cessation, including stakeholder views on how smoking cessation interventions can be optimally embedded in the context of an organised Australian lung cancer screening program.


About the speaker

Nathan Harrison is a public health PhD candidate at Flinders University and the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI). Nathan’s PhD studies are in 'lung cancer screening, smoking, and stigma', and he works with a broader research team focused on the implementation of lung cancer screening in Australia. He is also a Senior Research Officer at the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), located at Flinders University, where he conducts policy-relevant research on smoking and cancer risk reduction. He is a behavioural scientist passionate about engaging consumers and community members in research that can contribute to reducing health disparities.