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Participants needed for smoking cessation study

Image - Participants needed for smoking cessation study
Date Published:
9 Nov 2017

NDARC researchers are looking to recruit 1,266 participants for the Cytisine versus varEnicline for Smoking cesSATion (CESSATE) study.

CESSATE is comparing two medicines, Desmoxan and Champix, to understand how good they are at helping people to stop smoking.

Desmoxan, also called cytisine, is a medicine that comes from plant sources such as Golden Rain. It has been used in Europe for more than 50 years to help people to stop smoking. It does not contain nicotine. Desmoxan is currently not available in Australia.

Champix, also called varenicline, is currently available and widely used in Australia.

Desmoxan and Champix act similarly by reducing the reward you get from smoking. They also make withdrawal symptoms less severe.

It is not known if one medicine is better than the other, or if they are equally as good at helping people to stop smoking. This is why the CESSATE study is being undertaken.

The Study

All participants will be in the study for seven months and receive five telephone calls during this period. The research team will ask participants questions about the study medicine, their smoking and health during these telephone interviews. Those who take part will be randomly allocated to one of two groups, the Desmoxan group or the Cystisine group.

For more information, including the participant information sheet, please visit the CESSATE webpage.

If you are interested in the study please call 1800 290 612 or email cessate@unsw.edu.au.