fbpx Recent alcohol use among a sample of people who inject drugs, Darwin, NT, 2018-2022 | NDARC - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

Recent alcohol use among a sample of people who inject drugs, Darwin, NT, 2018-2022

image - IDRS 3
Author: Cate King, Amy Peacock, Rachel Sutherland

Resource Type: Drug Trends Bulletins

The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) is a national illicit drug monitoring system intended to identify emerging trends of local and national concern in illicit drug markets and forms part of the Drug Trends program.

This bulletin aims to describe the past six months of alcohol use and hazardous patterns of use, using AUDIT-C score, for males and females among a sample of people who regularly inject illicit drugs in Darwin, NT, from 2018 to 2022.